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Component status updates emit the following events

  1. component.status.healthy
  2. component.status.unhealthy
  3. component.status.warning
  4. component.status.error

Environment variables

componentThe component objectComponent
agentAgent details (if applicable)Agenttrue
permalinkA link to the health checkstring


idThe id of the componentuuid
descriptionThe description of the componentstring
external_idThe external id of the componentstring
hiddenWhether the component is hiddenbool
labelsThe labels of the componentmap[string]stringtrue
nameThe name of the componentstring
namespaceThe namespace of the componentstring
parent_idThe id of the parent componentuuidtrue
propertiesThe properties of the componentmap[string]stringtrue
silencedWhether the component is silencedbool
status_reasonThe status reason of the componentstring
statusThe status of the componentstring
summaryThe summary of the componentmap[string]stringtrue
textThe text of the componentstring
topology_typeThe type of the topologystring
typeThe type of the componentstring
cost_per_minuteThe cost per minute of the componentfloat64
cost_total_1dThe cost total 1d of the componentfloat64
cost_total_7dThe cost total 7d of the componentfloat64
cost_total_30dThe cost total 30d of the componentfloat64
created_byId of the person that created this componentuuid
created_atCreated timestamptime.Time
updated_atUpdated timestamptime.Time
deleted_atDeleted timestamptime.Timetrue


idThe id of the agentuuid
nameThe name of the agentstring
descriptionShort description of the agentstring